Peak 2 Brew (P2B) Relay provides Runners a Unique Team Relay Race Experience...the ULTIMATE Relay Experience! For the ROAD Relay(s), Teams start you at a PEAK, take you along a scenic and challenging course, and finish you at the BREW. For the TRAIL Relay(s), the PEAK and the BREW are at the same location where Teams run relay style across multiple Trail loops where the start and the finish is at the same location. If you love running and conquering new challenges in life all while creating unforgettable memories with your friends/family then P2B is what you are looking for...
P2B offers 2 different types of Team Running Relay Events:

ROAD Relay
ROAD Relays = Long Distance Van Supported Running Relay from a PEAK to a BREW. ROAD Relays consist of two different event types; BARK EATER & SPRINT Relays. The BARK EATER Relay: 2 Day Overnight Event (Camp at Halfway Checkpoint), ~130 miles over 24 legs conquered by 3-6 Runners on a Team. The SPRINT Relay: Single Day event (follows second half of BARK EATER course), ~60 miles over 12 legs conquered by 3-6 Runners on a Team

TRAIL Relays = Single Day Trail Running Relay at a PEAK Resort with a BREW base camp. The TRAIL Relay consists of a TEAM Relay and an INDIVIDUAL (LONE WOLF) event. TEAMs will run relay style completing multiple Trail loops where runner transitions will occur at the BREW Base Camp. LONE WOLF runners will run 1 or multiple loops and check in at the BREW Base Camp after each loop.
Organize your Team of Runners: Friends, Family, Co-workers, Club Members, Friends of Friends, etc.
Determine if your running P2B ROAD or P2B TRAIL or BOTH
Pile into your van

Run "Relay Style" From Peak 2 Brew


Meet at the PEAK

Run "Relay Style" From LOOP to LOOP handing off to next runner at the START ZONE


If you are new to Running or Team Relay Races we recommend starting with the ROAD SPRINT or TRAIL RELAY. The SPRINT & TRAIL Relay provides runners with the flexibility to complete a P2B style relay in a single day and for a 6-PACK Team type only having to run ~10 miles total over 2 Separate Legs.
Looking for the ULTIMATE Relay Experience...if so then the BARK EATER Relay is the Relay for you. The P2B ADK BARK EATER Relay (previously known as the BEAST) is a 130+ mile Overnight Team relay with teams of 3-6 Runners on an Epic Journey through the heart of the Adirondacks in NY
First determine if you are participating in a ROAD or TRAIL Relay
All P2B Relay Events require a Team of Runners that the Teams are responsible for organizing. For ROAD Relays (only), Teams will also be required to provide a Team Support Vehicle (following Rules & Regulations for approved Vehicle types). Once you determine your Event Type (ROAD - BARK EATER, ROAD - SPRINT, or TRAIL) then it's time to organize your Team and plan for the Event:
EVENT TYPE: Determine which P2B Event you are going to participate in and if it is a ROAD - BARK EATER, ROAD - SPRINT, or TRAIL Relay
ORGANIZE TEAM: Teams can be fellow friends, family, co-workers, friends of friends, etc. We recommend Team Captains find a Co-Captain for the Team so you can divide and conquer finding runners to join your Team.
NOTE: If your having a hard time filling your Team or have runners that have to backout...check out the P2B RUNNERS TANK
TEAM CHECKLIST: Check out the P2B TEAM CHECKLIST to ensure you complete all the items required for your Team to be prepared for P2B
TRAINING: Make sure you and your Team train for P2B. We also recommend getting the Team together a couple times before race day to make sure everyone is in sync with what to do on Race Day. Training is not all physical, all runners need to train their brain on the Event Material (Course Maps, Rules & Regulations, etc.).
The time has come for Event Day...what do I do now? For all P2B Events there will only be 1 runner from a Team running at a given time and there will always be someone from the Team running.
ROAD RELAYS: Runner #1 will start the race at the PEAK / START LINE. After Runner #1 starts, the rest of the Team will drive ahead to the next Exchange point in the Team Vehicle and wait for Runner #1 to enter the Exchange. Runner #2 will get out of the Team Vehicle and wait for Runner #1 in the Exchange Transition Area. Runner #1 will then hand off to Runner #2 and Runner #2 will continue to the next Exchange. Runner #1 will then get into the Team Vehicle and drive ahead to the next Exchange. This will continue until all Runners on the Team have run there first Leg.
After each Runner has completed their first leg, then the cycle will start again at Runner #1 for each runner to then run their second leg. This will continue depending on which Team Type (4-PACK, 6-PACK) you are running and depending on how many runners you have on your Team.
For BARK EATER Event (only), once Teams reach the halfway checkpoint, Teams will break and camp out overnight before section 2 of the course starts in the morning at the same times as the SPRINT event starts.
When do we finish at the BREW? After each Runner has run their Legs and all Legs of the Course have been completed then the last Runner on the Team will lead the Team to the Finish at the BREW. We encourage all Runners from the Team to meet your last runner close to the finish and then run across the Finish Line together as a Team...you did it as a Team so finish as a Team!! At the BREW it's time to PARTY!! Kick back relax, eat some food, drink some BREW, and relive your P2B Experience with your Team and other P2B Teams.
TRAIL RELAYS: Different than the road relay, the TRAIL relay is at one location with the PEAK and BREW at the same spot. Runners will run relay style completing multiple trail loops. Runner #1 will start at the Start Zone and take off on their first Loop. Once Runners #1 completes their first loop, they will hand off to Runner #2 at the Start Zone transition area. The Start Zone transition are will be where all Runners exchange to the next runner.
After each Runner has completed their first loop, then the cycle will start again at Runner #1 for each runner to then run their second loop. This will continue depending on which Team Type (4-PACK, 6-PACK) you are running and depending on how many runners you have on your Team.
When do we finish and where is the BREW? After each Runner has run all their Loops then the last Runner on the Team will lead the Team to the Finish. We encourage all Runners from the Team to meet your last runner close to the finish and then run across the Finish Line together as a Team...you did it as a Team so finish as a Team!! Different from Road Relays, for Trail Relays the BREW is located at the Base Camp the entire event. After each loop or before your next loop kick back relax, eat some food, drink some BREW, and relive your P2B Experience with your Team and other P2B Teams.
LEG = Distance from one Exchange to the next Exchange. This is what we call the portion of the course that each runner runs from Exchange to Exchange.
LOOP = Similar to LEG for Road Relays, this is the distance from start to finish for a Trail Loop.
EXCHANGE = Predetermined location on the course where a Leg ends and Runners Transition from one to the next.
KILL = This is when a Runner passes another Runner on the Course
If a Runner on your Team Passes a Runner on another Team = +1 KILL
If a Runner on another Team Passes a Runner on your Team = -1 KILL